Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Visual Studio 2010 Premium Themes Issue

After the much awaited release of the RTM version of Visual Studio 2010 I am still disappointed that the menu item "Theme" doesn't work.  I had the RC version installed and had been creating apps left and right.  One of the first things I noticed with the new version of VS (Visual Studio for short) is the option to change the IDE's theme to an array of choices.  The theme choices are Default, High Contrast, Autumn, Emerald, Silver and Custom Colors.  The Default theme colors look different than the previous versions of VS.

So you can see how the IDE looks with the default theme set as active.  Now when I change the theme to anything else other than the default theme the IDE changes to a yellow, blue, white and redish colors.  The newly applied theme renders the IDE almost unreadable and annoying.  I had thought at first when I was using the Beta and RC version that maybe since it was a "new" option it just had some bugs that needed to be worked out.  Well I was wrong.  Now that I have the Release To Manufacture, which I downloaded off my MSDN Subscription, I am still exhibiting the exact same problem.  Here is an example of what my IDE looks like when I apply any other theme besides the default setting.

The newly applied theme almost looks like I had applied the High Contrast theme, but that is not the case.  So I figured well maybe I can just go to the custom colors option and apply my own theme.  I end up receiving this error when I click on custom colors..

 I don't exactly understand why this is happening.  I will however resolve this issue but you would think since this is a new IDE and as many people who use VS as their number IDE, that I would not be the only person having this issue.  I hope that someone will post a comment about how to resolve this or possibly point me to an assembly that needs to be registered or something.  I have tried the usual things like reboot, uninstall and reinstall, different machine that NEVER had VS Beta or RC installed on it and I am still exhibiting this problem.  I thought, when I seen the ability to change the theme, wow this is a good idea Microsoft!  Low and behold I was let down once again by the software giant and yes I like Microsoft people but sometimes they never cease to amaze me with their idiosyncrasies.  Thanks for reading and happy postings!!

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